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    1. Ireland Finance Bill 2023: An Overview

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      Ireland Finance Bill 2023 – Introduction


      The Finance Bill for 2023, published on 19 October, brings forth significant changes and updates in the Irish financial landscape. 


      This bill primarily focuses on implementing the Pillar 2 regime, setting a minimum effective tax rate of 15% into Irish law, among other noteworthy provisions.


      Here’s a summary of some of the key changes and their implications.


      Transposition of the EU Minimum Effective Tax Directive


      As expected, the Finance Bill transposes the EU Directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation, often referred to as the “Pillar 2 Directive.” 


      This directive sets a minimum effective tax rate of 15% into Irish law.


      This change will have a significant impact on large multinationals with a global turnover exceeding €750 million and wholly domestic groups within the EU. 


      It involves the introduction of “GloBE” rules, consisting of an income inclusion rule (IIR) and an Under Taxed Payment Rule (UTPR).


      The IIR takes effect for fiscal years starting after 31 December 2023, and the UTPR will broadly apply for fiscal years starting after 31 December 2024.


      Safe Harbours


      The Finance Bill introduces transitional and indefinite safe harbors to alleviate the compliance burden. 


      The qualified domestic minimum top-up tax (QDMTT) is one such provision, which aims to allow Ireland to apply a domestic top-up tax for Irish constituent entities. 


      This will potentially reduce the tax calculation and payment obligations for in-scope groups.


      Ireland has also adopted other safe harbors following the OECD’s guidance.


      Additional Withholding Tax Measures


      To prevent double non-taxation of income, the bill introduces measures denying withholding tax exemptions in certain situations. 


      These measures primarily apply to payments of interest, royalties, and distributions to associated entities in jurisdictions that are not EU Member States and appear on the EU list of non-cooperative or zero-tax jurisdictions.


      Interest Deduction for Qualifying Finance Companies


      New rules are introduced for interest deductibility for “qualifying financing companies” with specific criteria. 


      These rules generally apply when such companies own 75% or more of the ordinary share capital of a “qualifying subsidiary” and borrow money to on-lend to the subsidiary.


      R&D Tax Credit


      The R&D tax credit is enhanced by increasing the rate from 25% to 30% of qualifying expenditure for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024. 


      This change aims to maintain the credit’s net value for companies under the new Pillar 2 regime while providing a real increase in the credit for SMEs.


      A pre-notification requirement and other information requirements for R&D claims are introduced as well.


      Digital Gaming Credit


      Adjustments are made to the operation of the digital gaming credit to align with the new Pillar 2 definition of a non-refundable tax credit. 


      These changes affect the manner and timeline for credit payments.


      Changes to Accountable Person for Share Options Taxation


      From 1 January 2024, the mechanism for taxing gains from share options shifts from self-assessment by employees to being the responsibility of employers through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system.


      Angel Investor Relief


      The bill introduces capital gains tax relief for angel investors in innovative SME start-ups. 


      Detailed wording for this relief is expected to be included later.


      Improvements to the Employment Investment Incentive Scheme


      The EIIS is amended to standardize the minimum holding period for relief at four years. 


      The limit on the amount that an investor can claim for such investments is increased from €250,000 to €500,000 per year of assessment within four years.


      Stamp Duty


      An exemption from Irish Stamp Duty for American depository receipts (ADRs) is extended to include transactions in DTC of US-listed shares. 


      This exemption streamlines the process and eliminates the need for Revenue clearance, making it more efficient.


      Tax Administration – Joint Audits


      The Finance Bill transposes EU Directive DAC 7, allowing for cross-border audits with other EU Member States. 


      It also clarifies Revenue’s authority to make inquiries under the Mandatory Disclosure Regime.


      Ireland Finance Bill 2023 – Conclusion


      The Finance Bill 2023 introduces numerous significant changes in Irish tax and financial regulations. 


      Businesses should carefully assess and adapt to these changes to ensure compliance and minimize tax implications effectively. 


      As always, consulting with financial experts is crucial to navigating these complex tax reforms.


      If you have any queries about Ireland Finance Bill 2023, or Irish tax matters in general, then please do get in touch.