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  • Tag Archive: Luxembourg

    1. Luxembourg Wealth Tax Revised and Simplified (and other changes)

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      Luxembourg Wealth Tax – Introduction

      On 23 May 2024, the Luxembourg government introduced a bill of law and a draft of Grand Ducal regulation to address several key tax issues.

      These proposals aim to:

      1. Amend the minimum net wealth tax rules to comply with a Constitutional Court decision;
      2. Clarify the tax treatment of share class redemptions following recent court judgments
      3. Provide taxpayers the option to waive the participation exemption regime under specific conditions.

      Once enacted, these changes will enhance legal certainty for a wide range of taxpayers.


      The Luxembourg government aims to address specific case law developments and increase legal certainty with these legislative amendments.

      Minimum Net Wealth Tax (NWT)

      Effective 1 January 2025, the minimum NWT rules will be amended to align with the Constitutional Court ruling 185/23 from 10 November 2023.

      The current two-tier NWT system will be replaced with a single system based on the taxpayer’s balance sheet total:

      • Taxpayers with a balance sheet not exceeding EUR 350,000 will be liable for a minimum NWT of EUR 535.
      • For balance sheets between EUR 350,000 and EUR 2,000,000, the minimum NWT will be reduced to EUR 1,605 from the current EUR 4,815.
      • Taxpayers with balance sheets exceeding EUR 2,000,000 will face a maximum NWT of EUR 4,815, down from the previous maximum of EUR 32,100.

      Other measures

      Clarification on Share Class Redemptions

      In response to 2023 court rulings, the bill clarifies that redeeming an entire class of shares qualifies as partial liquidation under article 101 of the income tax law if the following conditions are met:

      • The share class is canceled within six months of repurchase.
      • Share classes were established at incorporation or during a capital increase.
      • Each share class has distinct economic rights, as defined in the articles of association.
      • The redemption price reflects the fair market value at the redemption date and is determined based on the articles of association.

      Additionally, if the redeemed share class is held by an individual with significant participation, their identity must be reported in the annual tax return.

      Waiving Tax Exemption on Dividends and Capital Gains

      Taxpayers will have the option to waive the 50% dividend exemption and full participation exemption on dividends and capital gains if specific conditions are met.

      This change aims to reduce mismatches between Luxembourg and other jurisdictions’ participation exemption regimes and to help taxpayers manage tax loss carryforwards effectively.

      The waiver must be made annually and separately for each participation, starting from the tax year 2025.

      Electronic Filing of Withholding Tax Returns

      From 1 January 2025, Luxembourg will mandate electronic filing for withholding tax returns on directors’ fees and wage withholding tax, streamlining tax compliance and assessment procedures.


      The bill will be debated in Parliament and may be amended before the expected vote later in 2024.

      Final thoughts

      For further information on Luxembourg Wealth Tax, or Luxembourg taxes more generally, then please get in touch.

    2. New UK Luxembourg Tax Treaty: A Game Changer for Real Estate Investors?

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      New UK Luxembourg Tax Treaty – Introduction

      Last year, the UK and Luxembourg signed a new double tax treaty, which officially came into force on 22 November 2023.

      This development brings significant changes, particularly in how capital gains are treated.

      For Luxembourg-based investors in UK real estate, the clock is ticking to adapt to these changes.

      Capital Gains : a twist in the plot?

      Previously, Luxembourg residents could sell stakes in UK property-rich entities without worrying about the UK’s tax net.

      But, the updated treaty has flipped that particular script.

      Now, if you’re a Luxembourg resident and you dispose of shares (or interests in partnerships or trusts) that derive more than half of their value from UK real estate, the UK will have a say in your tax bill.

      This change primarily affects entities where at least 75% of their value comes from UK real estate, as UK tax laws have targeted such gains since 2019.

      So, if your investment structure falls into this category, it’s time to pay attention.

      Key Dates for Implementation

      Mark your calendars!

      The treaty’s provisions will be implemented as follows:

      • From 1 January 2024: for taxes withheld at source.
      • From 6 April 2024: for income tax and capital gains tax.
      • From 1 April 2024: for corporation tax.

      Implications & strategies

      This isn’t just a minor lick of paint.

      The lack of ‘grandfathering’ for existing structures means that Luxembourg investors in UK real estate could face significant tax implications.

      It’s a key time to review your investment structures and consider strategies to navigate these changes.

      One trend is a shift to using Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) status prior to 1 April 2024.

      This move aims to capitaliae on the current rules for conversion and then leverage the REIT regime moving forward.

      New UK Luxembourg Tax Treaty: Conclusion

      Change is often challenging, but it also brings opportunities for adaptation and growth.

      If you’re a Luxembourg investor in UK real estate, now is the time to review your portfolio and strategies. As always, professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances is key in making the most of these changes.


      New UK Luxembourg Tax Treaty: Final Call

      If you have any queries about the New UK-Luxembourg Tax Treaty, or are a property investor in the UK and looking at options, then please get in touch.

    3. Luxembourg’s Reverse Hybrid Rule Amendments

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      In 2020, the EU’s Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive II (“ATAD II“) came into force.

      This led to EU Member States being required to implement into domestic law a suite of so-called “anti-hybrid” laws.

      What are anti-hybrid rules?

      The aim of the anti-hybrid rules is, unsurprisingly, to eliminate the potential to exploit ‘hybrid features’ in a structure.

      For example, the rules might address a hybrid instrument that is treated as debt in one jurisdiction but equity in another jurisdiction. Alternatively, they might target a hybrid entity which is treated as tax transparent in one jurisdiction and tax opaque in another jurisdiction.

      Reverse, reverse

      One such anti-hybrid rule is the “reverse hybrid” rule.

      This was introduced in a number of countries including Luxembourg.

      The purpose of the “reverse hybrid” rule is to counteract “double non-taxation outcomes”.

      Such an outcome might arise where an entity, e.g. a Luxembourg fund partnership, is treated as tax transparent in Luxembourg but tax opaque in the jurisdiction of one of its investors.

      Why might this lead to ‘double non-taxation?’

      Running with the example above, the Luxembourg fund partnership is not taxed in Luxembourg because it transparent for tax purposes. In other words, the entity does not pay tax, only the partners in the partnership.

      However, that same income is also untaxed in that investor’s jurisdiction as a result of that jurisdiction deeming the income to have been paid by an opaque entity.  

      Triggering the Luxembourg reverse hybrid rule

      The rule may be triggered if:

      • investors treat the Luxembourg fund partnership as tax opaque in their home country; and
      • they hold 50% or more of the voting rights, capital interests or rights to a share of profit in that fund partnership.

      This is subject to certain aggregation or “acting together” rules.

      Effect of the reverse hybrid rule

      Where it is engaged, our fund partnership would be treated as a corporate for tax purposes in Luxembourg. As such, it becomes subject to Luxembourg corporate income tax.

      Recent amendments

      Luxembourg amended its “reverse hybrid” on 23 December 2022.

      This was to clarify certain conditions that must be satisfied in order for it to be engaged.

      The conditions can be summarised as follows:

      1. there is an entity established in Luxembourg that is treated as tax transparent under Luxembourg domestic law;
      2. one or more investors in the relevant entity are located in a jurisdiction that treats the Entity as opaque for tax purposes;
      3. income allocable to such investor or investors is not subject to tax as a result;
      4. the hybrid Investors hold at least 50% of the relevant entity’s voting rights, capital, or profits; and
      5. the income of the relevant entity is not otherwise taxed under the laws of Luxembourg (or any other jurisdiction).

      The reason for the amendment was that they overreached and counteracted certain mismatches that were not caused by hybridity – but rather as a result of an investor’s tax exempt status.

      The amendment has retrospective effect from 1 January 2022.

      If you have any queries relating to Luxembourg’s Reverse Hybrid Rule Amendments or tax matters in the Luxembourg more generally, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

      The content of this article is provided for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended, and should not be construed, as tax or legal advice. We recommend you seek formal tax and legal advice before taking, or refraining from, any action based on the contents of this article.