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    1. Tax changes for pensions in UK Budget 2024

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      Tax changes for pensions in UK Budget 2024 – Introduction

      The UK Budget 2024 brought both relief and new challenges for pension savers, scheme trustees, and administrators.

      While some feared changes to National Insurance on pension contributions and tax-free lump sums, these concerns were unfounded.

      However, significant changes to inheritance tax (IHT) on pension-related death benefits are set to take effect from April 2027, prompting a closer look at the implications.

      Good News for Pension Savers

      In yesterday’s Budget, there were a couple of reassuring announcements for pension savers:

      • No NICs on Employer Contributions: Despite recent speculation, National Insurance contributions (NICs) will not apply to employers’ pension contributions.
      • Tax-Free Lump Sums Remain Untouched: No changes were made to the tax-free status of lump sums for pension members.

      However, while these aspects remain unchanged, new IHT rules will bring added complexity for scheme trustees and administrators in the coming years.

      New IHT Rules on Pension Transfers

      Starting immediately, the Budget extends the tax on transfers to overseas (QROPS) pension schemes, impacting those moving pensions outside the UK.

      IHT on Pension Lump Sums and Unused Funds

      The Chancellor has introduced new measures to include more pension-related death benefits within IHT.

      Previously, only unused defined contribution (DC) funds were anticipated to be affected, but now many other death benefit lump sums, including those from defined benefit (DB) schemes, will also be subject to IHT.

      This aligns with the government’s aim to prioritize retirement income for the member and their spouse or civil partner, rather than for descendants.

      To implement these changes, HMRC has launched a technical consultation on the practical application of IHT to pension death benefits, with draft legislation expected in 2025.

      The government has also confirmed its commitment to incentivize pension saving, maintaining tax relief on contributions and investment growth.

      When Will the IHT Changes Apply?

      The new IHT rules will come into force on 6 April 2027, applying the standard IHT rate of 40%.

      What Death Benefits Will Be Liable for IHT?

      From April 2027, the following death benefits from registered pension schemes will be included in a member’s estate for IHT purposes, unless they are left to a spouse, civil partner, or charity:

      • Death in service lump sums
      • Pension protection lump sums (e.g., five-year guarantees)
      • Uncrystallised funds lump sum death benefits
      • Survivors’ annuities or drawdown funds

      Currently, where trustees have discretion over lump sum death benefits, these funds typically fall outside IHT.

      However, HMRC intends to end the different treatment of discretionary versus non-discretionary death benefits.

      New Reporting Duties for Pension Administrators

      Starting from 6 April 202, pension scheme administrators will be responsible for reporting and paying IHT on unused pension funds and death benefits.

      This shift means that:

      • PRs Will Not Use Non-Pension Assets: Personal representatives (PRs) won’t need to use other assets to cover IHT on pension benefits.
      • Direct Payment from Scheme: Any IHT due will be paid directly from the pension scheme, not as income in the hands of beneficiaries.

      Practical Challenges in IHT Reporting

      The collaboration between PRs and pension administrators will involve

      • PRs notifying administrators of a member’s death and requesting death benefit valuations
      • Administrators providing these values within two months, which could be challenging in practice
      • PRs calculating IHT liability and sharing this with administrators, who will pay HMRC directly.

      When a spouse or civil partner is the beneficiary, the exemption from IHT applies. However, if trustees need time to assess beneficiaries, meeting the two-month reporting deadline may prove difficult.

      Deadline for IHT Payment

      IHT payments must be reported and paid within six months of the month of the member’s death.

      From April 2027, pension administrators will face this same deadline, with interest charges for late payments.

      After 12 months, the member’s beneficiaries will share liability with administrators for any outstanding IHT on pension funds.

      Threshold for IHT on Pension Death Benefits

      HMRC expects only about 10% of estates to exceed the IHT threshold, currently set at £325,000 (with a potential extra £175,000 if a home is left to direct descendants).

      Pension administrators are required to report IHT information only when payable on unused funds or lump sum death benefits.

      Exemptions for Life Assurance and Top-Up Pensions

      HMRC clarified that IHT changes won’t apply to certain life policy products purchased with or alongside pensions as part of an employer package.

      Further consultations may address specific exclusions for excepted life assurance and unregistered top-up pensions.

      Tax changes for pensions in UK Budget 2024 – Conclusion

      While aspects of the Budget 2024 bring relief for pension contributors, new IHT rules on death benefits from 2027 introduce additional obligations for pension schemes and PRs.

      This development could significantly impact estate planning for pension holders.

      Final Thoughts

      If you have any queries or comments about this article on tax changes for pensions in UK Budget 2024 then please get in touch.

    2. What did Gibraltar’s Chief Minister deliver in his July budget?

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      On 11 July, Gibraltar’s Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo QC, delivered a budget that was said to “support the less well-off and the overall integrity of the nation’s finances in the short, medium, and long term.”

      But what did this include?

      Well, the budget for the year has brought about significant positive changes in revenue generation, surpassing even the Government’s initial projections. Notably, there has been a remarkable 24% increase in revenue from personal taxes and a 31% increase in revenue from corporate taxes within the last two years. These results have exceeded expectations and can be attributed to the 2% increase in personal tax rates across all income brackets that was implemented last year.

      There was also a commendable reduction in the net debt to GDP ratio, declining from 26% in the 21/22 fiscal year to a more manageable 22% in the 22/23 fiscal year, signalling a favourable economic outlook for the country.

      This budget also marks a crucial moment – it could potentially be the last one under the current Chief Minister, as an election looms later in the Autumn, making it even more important to achieve economic stability and continued growth.

      Furthermore, this year marks the seventh year since the Brexit referendum, and despite the challenges posed by the transition, the budget indicates no austerity measures or cuts to jobs and public services. This approach reflects the Government’s commitment to providing essential services and maintaining a positive environment for economic growth.

      It is also evident that fiscal responsibility remains a top priority, as the budget emphasises that annual expenditure shouldn’t exceed annual revenue. This approach aims to ensure sustainable financial management and long term economic stability for the nation.

      Changes related to taxes

      Last year, personal tax rates across all income bands saw a 2% increase but a welcome change is on the horizon. Those earning between £25,000 and £100,000 will soon benefit from a halving of the increased tax rate, bringing it down to 1%. As a consequence, the maximum personal tax rate for this group will be 26%, and this change will apply to all bands under GIBS or ABS.

      However, for those earning over £100,000 under ABS or GIBS, the maximum personal tax rate will remain at 27%. It’s important to note that this alteration is temporary and will last for two years, after which the maximum effective personal tax rate will return to 25%.

      Tax-free, one-time payment

      In September 2023, an exciting development awaits public sector employees as they will receive a tax-free, one-time payment that will amount to a total cost of £6.5 million. The amounts are as follows:

      • £1,200 for those earning below £50,000
      • £900 for those earning between £50,000 and £75,000
      • £600 for those earning between £75,000 and £100,000

      Private sector employers may also choose to provide similar payments with the same tax-free terms, though they will not be part of the payroll and will not be deductible against company profits.

      The property sector

      Further adjustments are being made in the property sector, as the first-time buyer’s allowance for no stamp duty will be increased from £260,000 to £300,000. However, there will be an increase in stamp duty on property sales exceeding £800,000, going from 3.5% to 4.5%. Additionally, the implementation of stamp duty on the assignment of off-plan purchase agreements is under consideration.

      Tax credits

      New tax credits are also set to be introduced. Those who are registered with the Income Tax Office and are enrolled in a gym or contract a personal trainer will be eligible for a 10% tax credit on verified costs. Similarly, parents with children receiving private school tuition in Gibraltar will receive a 10% tax credit on the total tuition cost. Furthermore, single practitioner lawyers will enjoy a generous tax credit of 75% of the LSRA (Legal Services Regulatory Authority) fees. These aim to provide financial support and incentives to various sectors of the population.

      Other budget measures

      The EU is currently in discussion regarding the Schengen Agreement. As part of recent developments, certain financial adjustments are set to take place.

      Wages and benefits

      Those earning minimum wage, receiving old age pension, or disability benefits will see an increase in line with inflation estimates, approximately 6.2% rounded to 7%. The minimum wage will also be raised to £8.60 per hour from the previous £8.10. Additionally, occupational pensions will experience a 2% increase.

      When it comes to public sector employees, there will be a substantial 16% raise in the minimum wage, amounting to £21,674 per year, aligning the UK with parity standards.

      Changes are also coming to the Employment Benefit Trust (EBT) as the vacancy fee will be reduced from £18 to £8.60. Alongside this, the Dept of Employment will introduce a penalty for those who fail to adhere to the 10-day vacancy period.

      As of 1 August, all fees payable to the Government will be subject to increases in accordance with inflation rates. However, water and electricity bills will remain unaffected by these changes.

      Import duties

      Regarding import duties, the current measure of reducing import duties to alleviate the impact of high fuel prices will continue until 31 December 2023, and the vehicle duty cap pertaining to the importation of petrol and diesel cars will be raised from £25,000 to £35,000, with a new cap of £35,000 also imposed on the importation of pleasure vessels.

      Tobacco duty will also see an increase of 50p per carton or 5p per 20 pack. Additionally, vapes will be subjected to a duty rate equivalent to 50% of the rate of a 20 pack of cigarettes.

      Despite this, import duty will be waived for health and fitness-related items, including fitness trackers, bicycles, bicycle accessories or spare parts, treadmills, and all other gym or fitness equipment, aiming to encourage healthy lifestyles and fitness endeavours.

    3. Private Sector Pensions in Gibraltar

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      What’s new in Private Sector Pensions in Gibraltar?

      Following the implementation of Gibraltar’s new “auto-enrolment” pension scheme for Gibraltar’s largest employers—so-called “Enterprise” employers with over 250 staff – on 1 August 2021, the phased roll-out moved on to the second tranche of employers—large employers with more than 100 workers—who, by 1 July 2022 needed to provide a workplace pension plan.

      The Private Sector Pensions Act 2019 ensures that people living and working in Gibraltar, will be financially protected in their later years.

      Like the UK’s auto-enrolment pensions regime, the Act requires all employers in Gibraltar to provide access to a workplace pension plan and the existing State pension for all eligible employees.

      If an employee chooses to join the pension scheme, the Act requires both the employer and employee to make regular minimum contributions to the employee’s pension fund.

      Phased Roll-out

      The Act was implemented in phases to give smaller organisations more time to adjust to the new requirements.

      The following deadlines were set for employer compliance under the phased implementation:

      • ‘Enterprise’ employers (over 250 staff) – 1 August 2021
      • ‘Large’ employers (101 to 250 staff) – 1 July 2022
      • ‘Medium’ employers (51 to 100 staff) – 1 July 2025
      •  ‘Small’ employer (15 to 50 employees) – 1 July 2026
      • ‘Micro’ employer (14 employees or less) – 1 July 2027


      The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) has been selected as Pensions Commissioner under the Act to ensure that employers and those who administer pension schemes comply with the relevant requirements.

      The GFSC maintains a register of employers who provide pension plans for their employees.

      Employers are required to register within 90 days of the dates listed above. Employers must submit the following information:

      • The documents include a copy of the pension plan and a list of employees who participated in the plan.
      • Name, occupation and address of each trustee and name and address of the pension plan administrator.
      • Employees’ information who are participating.
      • Information regarding employees who have not elected to participate in the pension plan.
      • Those employees who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria to join the pension plan, along with an explanation as to why.

      Once an employer applies that the GFSC deems compliant with the Act, it has 21 days to enter the employer’s and its employees’ details onto the register.

      Further Obligations

      Employers must inform the GFSC of any of the following events within 30 days:

      • A new employee is hired.
      • Employment termination or redundancy of any employee.
      • Any changes made to an employee’s terms of employment.
      • A decision by an employee who had previously decided not to join a pension plan, to join the plan.

      What about Spanish-Resident Workers?

      The position of Spanish-resident workers in Gibraltar concerning whether the Spanish Ministry of Finance will accept contributions to their Gibraltar pension plan for Spanish tax relief purposes has yet to be clarified.

      As a result, many Spanish resident workers refrain from participating in pension plans provided by their employers in Gibraltar.

      During the ongoing negotiations to establish Gibraltar’s post-Brexit relationship with the European Union, hopefully this issue will be addressed.

      Seek Professional Advice on Private Sector Pensions in Gibraltar

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