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    Draft EU CbCR Regulation – KPMG and PwC Seek Clarity

    07 Sep

    Introduction: What is CbCR?

    Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) is a tax rule that helps governments keep an eye on big multinational companies.

    It makes these companies tell the government where they are earning their money and how much tax they are paying in different countries.

    This is super important because some companies try to move their profits to countries with very low taxes (often called “tax havens”) so they don’t have to pay as much tax in the countries where they really make their money.

    Recently, the European Union (EU) has been working on updating its CbCR regulations, but there are some parts of the new rules that aren’t clear.

    That’s why two big accounting firms, KPMG and PwC, are asking for more clarity.

    What KPMG and PwC Want

    KPMG and PwC are two of the world’s largest accounting firms. They help big companies understand, follow and plan around tax laws.

    With the new EU CbCR rules, these firms are concerned that the way the rules are written might confuse companies, especially when it comes to how they should report their data.

    The firms are specifically worried about how companies should use XBRL, a special computer language used for reporting financial data.

    The rules say companies must use XBRL, but they don’t explain exactly how, which is where the confusion comes in.

    Why Clarity is Important

    If the rules are not clear, companies might report their information the wrong way. This could lead to misunderstandings with tax authorities, fines, or even legal trouble.

    For companies, making sure their tax information is correct is important because mistakes can be very costly.

    By asking for clearer guidance, KPMG and PwC hope that the EU will help companies avoid these issues and make it easier for everyone to follow the rules.

    What Happens Next?

    The EU is expected to listen to feedback from KPMG, PwC, and other organisations before making any final decisions.

    Hopefully, they will take this opportunity to provide clearer instructions on how companies should report their data, especially using XBRL.


    Even though this might sound technical, it’s actually really important.

    Clearer rules will help big companies follow the law and pay their fair share of taxes.

    And when everyone pays their fair share, governments can use that money to provide important services like schools, hospitals, and roads.

    Final thoughts

    If you have any queries about this article on CbCR, or other tax matters in general, then please do get in touch.

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