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  • ARTICLE - Argentina

    Argentina Updates List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions

    07 Sep

    Introduction: What Are Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions?

    Non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, sometimes called “tax havens,” are countries or territories that don’t follow international tax rules.

    These places can be used by people and companies looking to hide their money and avoid or evade paying taxes.

    Argentina has a list of these places, and they keep an eye on which countries are cooperating and which ones are not.

    If a country is on Argentina’s list, it means that companies and individuals doing business there might face higher taxes.

    What Did Argentina Do?

    In September 2024, Argentina updated its list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions.

    This is something Argentina does regularly to make sure its list is up-to-date. In this latest update, Argentina removed five countries from the list.

    By removing these countries, Argentina is saying that these places have started cooperating with international tax rules.

    This is a good thing because it means fewer people and companies will be able to hide their money from tax authorities.

    Why This Matters

    When countries cooperate on tax rules, it becomes harder for people and companies to avoid paying taxes. This means that governments can collect more money and use it to fund things like schools, hospitals, and roads.

    By updating its list, Argentina is helping to create a fairer tax system, where everyone pays their fair share.

    Argentina Updates List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions – Conclusion

    Argentina will continue to monitor other countries and update its list as needed.

    For now, companies and individuals doing business with the countries that were removed from the list will have an easier time.

    But for those still on the list, the higher taxes will remain in place.

    Final thoughts

    If you have any queries about this article on Argentina Updates List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions, or tax matters in Argentina more generally, then please get in touch.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut semper risus. Fusce ac pharetra sem. Praesent vitae eros a quam fermentum dignissim.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut semper risus. Fusce ac pharetra sem. Praesent vitae eros a quam fermentum dignissim.



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