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    1. Israel’s novel approach to crypto taxes

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      Israel crypto tax update – Introduction

      The Israeli Tax Authority is ushering in a new era of cryptocurrency regulation with the introduction of a novel procedure designed to streamline tax payments on digital currency profits.

      This groundbreaking approach is a direct response to the challenges faced by digital currency owners, particularly the reluctance of many Israeli banks to process deposits from cryptocurrency transactions due to concerns about money laundering and terrorism financing.

      Key Features of the New Tax Procedure

      Pilot Program

      Scheduled to commence at the beginning of 2024, this six-month pilot program will enable cryptocurrency holders to pay their taxes directly to the Tax Authority.

      Dealing with Bank Refusals

      Owners will declare their profits and provide proof of a local bank’s refusal to accept their funds.

      This facilitates a solution for those impacted by bank hesitancy.

      Flexible Payment Options

      Payments can be made from foreign bank accounts in low-risk countries or via digital currency trading companies.

      Israeli Supreme Court’s Landmark Decision


      In October 2023, the Israeli Supreme Court made a crucial decision impacting digital currency trading.

      This decision, influenced by a petition from Bits of Gold and the Israeli Bitcoin Association, clarified that Israeli banking laws accommodate banks’ engagement in digital currency transactions.

      The Court’s Findings

      Recognition of Digital Assets

      The Court recognized digital currencies as assets within the financial sector, falling under the operational scope of banks.

      Permission for Bank Involvement

      Banks are authorized to engage in digital currency-related activities, aligning with the interpretation of the Banking Law.

      Call for Regulation

      The Bank of Israel and the banking system are urged to concentrate on regulating the integration of digital currencies.

      Implications for the Financial Sector

      This initiative by the Israeli Tax Authority, complemented by the Supreme Court’s ruling, marks a significant shift in the financial and regulatory landscape.

      It not only legitimises digital currencies but also encourages responsible and regulated engagement with them.

      Israel crypto tax update – Conclusion

      Israel’s progressive steps towards integrating digital currencies into its financial and tax systems demonstrate a forward-thinking approach.

      This development is a bellwether for other nations contemplating the incorporation of digital currencies into their economic frameworks.

      Final thoughts

      For further information or assistance regarding this Israel crypto tax update or the taxation of digital currencies in Israel more generally, then feel free to get in touch.