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  • ARTICLE - Canada, US

    US-Canada Digital Services Tax Dispute

    14 Sep

    US-Canada Digital Services Tax Dispute: Introduction

    A dispute is brewing between the United States and Canada over the latter’s plans to introduce a Digital Services Tax (DST).

    The DST is aimed at taxing large technology companies that generate significant revenue from Canadian users but currently pay little tax in the country.

    The U.S. has expressed concerns that the tax unfairly targets American companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and has threatened to retaliate with tariffs on Canadian goods if the DST is implemented.

    In this article, we’ll explore the details of the DST, why the US is opposed to it, and what this could mean for international trade relations.

    What Is the Digital Services Tax?

    The Digital Services Tax is a tax on the revenue that large tech companies earn from providing digital services, such as social media, online advertising, and e-commerce platforms.

    Canada’s proposed DST would impose a 3% tax on the revenue these companies generate from Canadian users.

    The tax would apply to companies with global revenues of more than CAD 1 billion and at least CAD 40 million in Canadian revenue.

    The tax is designed to ensure that digital companies, many of which are based in the U.S., pay a fair share of tax on the profits they earn from Canadian users.

    Currently, many of these companies can shift their profits to low-tax jurisdictions, allowing them to avoid paying significant taxes in Canada.

    Why Is the U.S. Opposed?

    The United States has raised concerns that the DST unfairly targets American tech companies, which dominate the global digital economy.

    The U.S. government argues that the tax is discriminatory because it primarily affects American companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, while Canadian companies and companies from other countries are largely unaffected.

    In response to Canada’s plans, the U.S. has threatened to impose tariffs on Canadian exports, which could affect key industries such as aluminum, steel, and agriculture.

    The U.S. has argued that international tax issues should be addressed through multilateral agreements, such as the OECD’s global tax framework, rather than unilateral measures like the DST.

    What Could Happen Next?

    The dispute between the U.S. and Canada is ongoing, and both sides are still in talks to resolve the issue.

    However, if Canada moves forward with the DST, the U.S. could retaliate with tariffs, leading to a potential trade war between the two countries.

    This would have significant economic consequences for both countries, particularly for Canadian exporters who rely on the U.S. market.

    In the meantime, many other countries, including France and Italy, have also introduced digital services taxes, and the US has taken a similar stance against those measures.

    The outcome of the US-Canada dispute could have broader implications for how digital companies are taxed around the world.


    Canada’s proposed Digital Services Tax has sparked a heated dispute with the United States, which views the tax as unfairly targeting American tech companies.

    While the two countries continue to negotiate, the potential for tariffs and trade retaliation looms large.

    Final Thoughts

    If you have any queries about this article on Canada’s Digital Services Tax, or tax matters in Canada or the United States, then please get in touch.

    Alternatively, if you are a tax adviser in Canada or the United States and would be interested in sharing your knowledge and becoming a tax native, then please get in touch. There is more information on membership here.

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