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  • Tag Archive: NFTs

    1. VAT Implications for NFT Transactions in France

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      VAT Implications for NFT Transactions – Introduction

      The French tax authorities have recently clarified the Value Added Tax (VAT) treatment of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

      This is helpful guidance for businesses involved in this nascent industry.

       VAT Treatment of NFTs

      According to the public ruling, NFTs are subject to the same VAT rules that apply to the broader spectrum of goods and services.

      Specifically, when NFTs serve as certificates of ownership for tangible or intangible assets, VAT is applicable in line with the supply of the underlying asset.

      This clarification is pivotal, affirming that the unique characteristics of NFTs do not exempt them from existing tax frameworks.

      Furthermore, the tax authorities explicitly state that transactions involving NFTs cannot be classified as exempt banking or financial transactions.

      This distinction is drawn based on the non-fungible nature of NFTs, setting them apart from payment, utility, usage, or investment tokens, which might enjoy VAT exemptions under certain conditions.

      Examples of NFT Transactions and  VAT Implications


      The French tax authorities have provided concrete examples to illustrate the VAT treatment of various NFT-related transactions:

      Digital Trading Cards as NFTs

      The creation and sale of digital trading cards represented as NFTs are treated as a provision of service.

      When these cards are issued with minimal human intervention, such transactions are deemed electronically supplied services, highlighting the digital and automated nature of the service.

      Digital Artwork and NFTs

      The sale of digital graphic artwork associated with an NFT, especially when exchanged for digital assets or currencies on an IT platform, is categorized as a supply of service.

      However, if the creation of the artwork involves significant human intervention, it is not considered an electronically supplied service, emphasizing the role of human creativity over automation.

      In-Game Items as NFTs

      The initial sale of in-game items represented by NFTs, intended to fund video game development, is subject to VAT upon the effective transfer of these digital items.

      Post-release, any marketing or sales of game components as NFTs also attract VAT, underscoring the continuous tax obligations throughout the lifecycle of a game’s development and its commercial exploitation.

      Key Takeaways 

      This guidance from the French tax authorities highlights the importance of understanding the specific nature and nuances of transactions involving NFTs to accurately determine their VAT treatment.

      Businesses engaging in the NFT space must carefully analyze the underlying transactions to ensure compliance with VAT regulations, recognising that the digital and non-fungible characteristics of NFTs do not exempt them from traditional tax obligations.


      As the NFT market continues to evolve, this French ruling provides a crucial framework in line with which businesses might operate. 

      Final thoughts

      If you have any queries about this article on VAT Implications for NFT Transactions in France, or French tax matters in general, then please get in touch

    2. Italy NFT and Cryptoasset Tax 

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      Italy NFT and Cryptoasset Tax  – Introduction

      In a rapidly evolving digital world, Italy’s stance on the taxation of crypto-assets has taken a significant step forward.

      The Italian Revenue Agency’s Circular Letter No. 30/E, dated 27 October 2023, sheds light on this, offering operational guidelines aligned with the 2023 Budget Law.

      This development is relevant for both individual investors and institutions accessing the  world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

      Defining Crypto-Assets

      Crypto-assets are digital representations of value or rights, easily transferable and storable via distributed ledger or similar technologies.

      They encompass various types, including payment tokens, security tokens, utility tokens, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

      Tax Implications on Capital Gains

      The Circular outlines that capital gains from sales, redemptions, exchanges, or holdings of crypto-assets fall under Article 67, paragraph 1, letter c-sexies, of the Income Tax Consolidation Act (Tuir).

      These gains are subject to a substitute tax rate of 26%. Notably, the exchange between cryptocurrencies with identical economic functions is not tax-relevant.

      However, transactions involving NFTs and cryptocurrencies are considered taxable events.

      Calculation of Capital Gains and Losses

      The taxable base for capital gains is calculated per Article 68, paragraph 9-bis, of the Tuir.

      It’s based on the difference between the sale’s consideration or fair value and the acquisition cost.

      Moreover, the deduction of capital losses is permissible, albeit under specific conditions.

      Extended Regimes for Crypto-Asset Holders

      Crypto-asset holders can now benefit from the Administrated Savings and Managed Savings regimes, broadening the scope of financial planning and investment strategies.

      Tax Monitoring Obligations

      Resident individuals, non-commercial entities, and Simple Partnerships in Italy must report their foreign-held crypto-assets in the RW Box of their Income Tax Return, emphasizing transparency and compliance.

      Redetermination Opportunity for Holders

      For those holding crypto-assets as of 1 January 2023, there’s an option to re-determine their cost or purchase value as of that date.

      This re-determined value is subject to a 14% substitute tax, applicable even if the assets are no longer held at the time of payment.

      VAT and Stamp Duty Considerations

      The Circular aligns with international VAT best practices for cryptocurrencies used exclusively as payment means in VAT-subject transactions.

      Some crypto operations, like virtual currency exchanges or mining, are exempt from VAT.

      Additionally, stamp duty applies to periodic communications concerning crypto-assets.

      Inheritance and Gift Tax

      To ascertain the taxable base for inheritance and gift tax, the fair market value at the time of succession or donation is critical.

      Regularisation Opportunity

      For those who haven’t declared crypto-assets in their tax returns, a regularization window is available until 30 November 2023, with reduced penalties.

      This opportunity extends to undeclared income derived from crypto-assets.

      Determining the Territoriality

      The Circular provides guidelines on the territoriality of crypto-assets, focusing on the location where access keys are held to determine if the income is produced in Italy.

      Italy NFT and Cryptoasset Tax – Conclusion

      Italy’s latest guidelines on crypto-assets taxation reflect a growing trend of regulatory bodies adapting to the digital age.

      These guidelines offer clarity and a framework for individuals and businesses engaging in cryptocurrency transactions, ensuring compliance while navigating this emerging financial landscape.

      Final thoughts

      If you have any queries about this article on Italy NFT and Cryptoasset Tax, or Italian tax or crypto tax in general, then please get in touch.