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  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) Advice


    Goods and Services Tax (GST) Advice

    GST tax experts in Australia. Simplify compliance and maximise input tax credits with tailored advice for businesses.

    Last Updated 17/12/2024

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    Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    The federal government charges a 10% GST on most goods and services. The money collected is given to state governments. Some items, like certain foods, exports, and medical and educational supplies, don’t have GST. Residential rents and some financial services also don’t have GST, but businesses can’t claim tax credits for these items.

    Health insurance is GST-free, while life insurance is exempt from GST. General insurance is taxed. GST applies to digital products and services from overseas suppliers. The rules prevent double taxation of digital currencies.

    GST is also charged on imported low-value goods worth AUD 1,000 or less.

    How Tax Natives works.

    Tax Natives is an international tax network that connects Explorers (taxpayer clients) with Natives (qualified and regulated tax advisers) from one jurisdiction to another.

    Ask a question to get started


    Select the 'Ask a question button located on the top of each page and follow through the process to compose your question


    Once your question is confirmed and your account is set up, navigate to your user dashboard to view the message exchange between you and your Tax Native.


    Each Tax Native has to accept a question from an Explorer before a conversation can begin. Once the Tax Native has accepted your question, a quote will be submitted for approval through the messaging portal.

    Property taxes

    Land Tax

    All states and territories (except the Northern Territory) charge a tax based on the unimproved value of land. Some states have additional taxes for foreign or absentee owners. Victoria charges a 1% tax on certain vacant residential land.

    Stamp Duty

    All states and territories charge a stamp duty on various transactions, including real estate conveyances. Rates and exemptions vary by state.

    Environmental Taxes

    Australia doesn’t have a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme. However, there is a system for trading carbon credits called Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).

    Some states and local governments have waste levies, and Victoria has a road-user charge for low-emission vehicles. There are also tax concessions related to environmental matters.

    Payroll / employment taxes

    Payroll Tax

    States and territories charge a tax on employers’ payroll. Rates and thresholds vary by jurisdiction.

    Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

    The federal government charges a 47% tax on non-salary fringe benefits provided to employees. Some benefits are exempt or have special rules.

    Superannuation Guarantee (SG) Levy

    Employers must contribute a certain percentage of an employee’s earnings to a registered superannuation fund. The current SG percentage is 10.5% and will increase to 12% by 1 July 2025.

    Major Bank Levy

    A levy applies to banks with total liabilities of more than AUD 100 billion.

    Other taxes

    Wine Equalisation Tax (WET)

    The federal government charges a 29% WET on wine products, in addition to the 10% GST. Wine producers can get a rebate up to AUD 350,000.

    Luxury Car Tax

    The luxury car tax is a 33% tax on cars worth more than AUD 84,916 for fuel-efficient vehicles and AUD 71,849 for others. There is no tax credit for this tax.

    Customs Duties

    Imports are subject to duties unless exempt. Electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles under the fuel-efficient luxury car tax threshold are exempt from customs duty starting from 1 July 2022.

    Australia has free trade agreements with several countries and is negotiating with others.

    Excise Duties High taxes apply to beer, spirits, tobacco, and petroleum products. Some examples of current excise rates include:

    • Beer not exceeding 3% alcohol: AUD 47.86 per litre of alcohol
    • Tobacco sticks: AUD 1.14040 per stick
    • Petroleum and diesel: AUD 0.46 per litre
    • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): AUD 0.15 per litre

    Businesses and households can get a fuel tax credit for using fuel in their operations or for home electricity and heating.

    Insurance Tax

    States charge taxes on insurance premiums.

    Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)

    PRRT applies to petroleum projects in Australian offshore areas and is charged at a rate of 40% of the taxable profits. It is in addition to income tax.


    What are the membership types available?

    Curator Native


    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages. There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    A Curator can also provide articles if they wish.


    Creator Native


    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.


    Adviser Native

    £65 / month

    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page. That’s cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Become a curator



    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages.

    There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Become a creator



    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Become an adviser



    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team.

    As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page.

    That's cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free £250 Free £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months 12 months 12 months
    Article contentCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    YesCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your
    jurisdiction page



    Read more



    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages.

    There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Article contentCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page Yes


    Read more



    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Content creationCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    YesCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page No

    £65 / month

    Read more



    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team.

    As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page.

    That's cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Content creationCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page No

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