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  • Tax Litigation Advice in Australia


    Tax Litigation Advice in Australia

    Expert support for tax litigation in Australia. Resolve disputes and ensure compliance with professional guidance.

    Last Updated 17/12/2024

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    Tax litigation in Australia

    Tax litigation in Australia is the process where you or your business might find yourself squaring off against the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in a dispute over taxes. These disagreements can be about various issues, such as the amount of tax owed, penalties, or the interpretation of tax laws.

    Tax litigation cases can range from relatively straightforward disputes over deductions and credits to complex battles involving international tax laws and large corporations.

    Tax litigation in Australia typically starts with the ATO issuing an assessment or decision you disagree with. You can take the matter to court if you object and the ATO doesn’t budge on its position.

    Several levels of courts could be involved, starting with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), which is less formal and usually quicker, moving up to the Federal Court if needed.

    How Tax Natives works.

    Tax Natives is an international tax network that connects Explorers (taxpayer clients) with Natives (qualified and regulated tax advisers) from one jurisdiction to another.

    Ask a question to get started


    Select the 'Ask a question button located on the top of each page and follow through the process to compose your question


    Once your question is confirmed and your account is set up, navigate to your user dashboard to view the message exchange between you and your Tax Native.


    Each Tax Native has to accept a question from an Explorer before a conversation can begin. Once the Tax Native has accepted your question, a quote will be submitted for approval through the messaging portal.

    Avoid tax litigation headaches today

    Tax litigation is complex, time-consuming, and, yes, a bit stressful. The paperwork alone can be overwhelming, not to mention the legal nuances of arguing tax law.

    Here’s where Tax Natives comes in. We are a global network of tax experts who can help you make sense of the situation and provide advice tailored to your specific case.

    Whether you’re just starting to dispute an ATO decision or deep in the trenches of litigation, connecting with the right advisor can make all the difference. Do you need a hand dealing with tax litigation in Australia, or do you just want to avoid getting into the weeds in the first place?

    We’ll connect you with tax experts who can help you sort through your tax issues, making the process as smooth as possible. Let’s get your tax litigation matters sorted, together.

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    What are the membership types available?

    Curator Native


    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages. There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    A Curator can also provide articles if they wish.


    Creator Native


    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.


    Adviser Native

    £65 / month

    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page. That’s cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Become a curator



    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages.

    There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Become a creator



    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Become an adviser



    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team.

    As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page.

    That's cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free £250 Free £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months 12 months 12 months
    Article contentCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    YesCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your
    jurisdiction page



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    The Curator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Curator has additional responsibilities. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing and updating one of the jurisdiction pages.

    There is only one Curator membership available for each jurisdiction.

    Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Article contentCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page Yes


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    The Creator is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team. As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    However, the Creator has additional responsibilities. They commit to their other Natives that they will produce at least one piece of quality content each quarter – whether an article, video or other valuable content.

    There are multiple Creator memberships available for each jurisdiction. Where a Curator fulfils their commitments then they receive a 100% discount against their monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Content creationCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    YesCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page No

    £65 / month

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    The Adviser is a fully-fledged member of the Tax Natives team.

    As such, they are capable of making introductions to other Tax Natives and are also able to take leads from their fellow Natives.

    The Adviser Native is a care-free soul and has made no other commitments to his fellow Tax Natives to generate content or curate a jurisdictional page.

    That's cool.

    However, the Adviser will be eligible to pay the full monthly membership fee.

    Initial admin fee £250 Free
    Minimum membership term 12 months
    Content creationCreator and Curators must create at least one piece of original, quality-approved content each quarter.
    Managing and updating your jurisdiction page No

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    If you’re having any problems with your membership, account, or just generally loving Tax Natives. Drop us a line here and we’ll get back to you.


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